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Handcrafted Incense

and Ritual Tools for

Human Beings

Artemisia Negra

All natural, chemical-free, ingredients from the earth.

 Local pick-up available in Kingston, NY


ARTEMISIA NEGRA started on a Full Moon.

Jaguar Mary was at home with their friend, Evie Star, talking about life and love when they walked outside to get some fresh air. In the sliver moonlight, they noticed a hedge of plants had grown. Indeed, the cold weather was over and a veritable forest of tall "weeds" were growing sturdily in the long dirt patch in front of the house. The plants had grown fast, and seemingly over night. Jaguar Mary hadn't noticed the weeds before, yet there they were, reflecting the moonlight, glowing eerily. After a few minutes of staring, entranced by the the plant's shimmering beauty, Evie spoke. "You'll have to cut all that down," they advised. 


A week later, I went outside with the hand mower, preparing to do the big chop when a neighbor passed by. "Nice weather to garden in!", he exclaimed cheerily. "You'll have to get at the root of those weeds. That's mugwort and it's really hard to get rid of."

I stopped in my tracks. I had a long history with mugwort as a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) patient. I didn't realize this potent medicine and plant ally was taking up (a lot) of space in front of my house. To say that moxibustion, herbs and acupuncture changed my life would be an understatement. I also knew of mugwort is a lucid dreaming agent. Continued in the blog.



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Artemisia Negra   323-617-3917   Kingston, NY

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